Plans for a new quantum computer have been found


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Plans for a new quantum computer has been found on the Internet. It will be much faster than any other computer in existence at its date of release.
I would love to see B4J running on it. I have gone over some of the operational manual for the computer and it seems feasible. Sorry, but the computer is not portable because some of its circuit boards are quite large. But maybe some day?

Here is the web page where you can download the operation manual in PDF format (link is on the right side of page). This is still highly confidential information, so please do not repost it.
Quantum Computer Plans

I am astounded at the features of this new computer.


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This is still highly confidential information
So it is so confidential that you put it on a public forum with 100K+ users? Sounds a lot like click bait to me.

I think there are only 11 quantum computers in the world, and they belong to corporations like Google. Price tag somewhat like $10.000 per qubit. At that price, a useful universal quantum computer – hardware alone – comes in at at least $10bn. I don't think anyone on this forum has that kind of money lying around...


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comes in at at least $10bn. I don't think anyone on this forum has that kind of money lying around...
Damn it! I've got only $9bn under my's really a pity that I can't put together the remaining sum..wait, let me empty my, it's just a dime
Any volunteer for a crowfounding? Come on guys, it's just for $ generous


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So it is so confidential that you put it on a public forum with 100K+ users? Sounds a lot like click bait to me.

I see no one clicked on the link. Big sigh.

The link was for the original manual of the ENIAC computer (1946), and yes it did have a lot of interesting features like a card punch, card reader, "High Speed Multiplier", "Divider and Square Rooter" along with wiring diagrams.

But like most "entrepreneurs", I guess it is better to get the money up front rather than to look at the actual plans for what you are going to build. Get the money first, then you can build what ever you want later, if you still have any money left over from the partying.


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Back in 1946, the ENIAC was state of the art and of course classified at the time. The manual was meticulously typed by hand without nary a mistake, and I don't know how they did it. They did not have wordprocessors back then, just expert typists working on manual typewriters.

Going through the yellowed pages of the manual is like going back in time, to see the inner workings of a world famous computer and the features they thought was important. How laborious it must of have been to program this monster of a machine and to maintain it. Some of its circuit boards (digit tray) was 8 feet long! Try fitting that into your pocket.

Anyway, I thought I'd post the link to give you guys a kick out of seeing it, and to thank our lucky stars we weren't programmers back then flipping switches instead of using our favorite language, B4X. But how knows. Maybe 74 years from now, historians might think the same of us?


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and to thank our lucky stars we weren't programmers back then flipping switches instead of using our favorite language
For sure we would try flipping the switches, but we would wait until B4E(niacs) was made by Erel.


Well-Known Member
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I see no one clicked on the link. Big sigh.
Ah you forgot we can see that URL in the bottom left corner. We're a savvy bunch / / / /

Any way as part of the lock-up i'm reading a boot about 4IR current chapter about Quantum Computing . . . currently those units have a max of 5 Qubit So it might be cheaper than we think - - -crowdfunders AHOY I'm listed

Hang on I have few Bitcoins lying around since the 60's .....
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