Back in 1946, the ENIAC was state of the art and of course classified at the time. The manual was meticulously typed by hand without nary a mistake, and I don't know how they did it. They did not have wordprocessors back then, just expert typists working on manual typewriters.
Going through the yellowed pages of the manual is like going back in time, to see the inner workings of a world famous computer and the features they thought was important. How laborious it must of have been to program this monster of a machine and to maintain it. Some of its circuit boards (digit tray) was 8 feet long! Try fitting that into your pocket.
Anyway, I thought I'd post the link to give you guys a kick out of seeing it, and to thank our lucky stars we weren't programmers back then flipping switches instead of using our favorite language, B4X. But how knows. Maybe 74 years from now, historians might think the same of us?