Android Question Play Pass Program - Error with followLastLicensingURL

Jack Cole

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I have 2 apps in the Google Play Pass program (subscription program by Google where users can get access to a catalog of apps for a monthly fee). In order to participate, I had to modify the licensing library to bring up an app store wall if their subscription has expired. All was well and good until I started targeting API level 28 instead of 27. When the app tries to run the code for lc.followLastLicensingURL, I get a crash with the following error.

The code that I am having trouble with is the following:

Sub lc_DontAllow (PolicyReason As Int)
    If Not(PolicyReason=lc.POLICY_RETRY) Then
    End If
End Sub

On the JAVA side, I have the following code.

    public void followLastLicensingURL() {
        // Call finish() on the surrounding activity to remove it from the backstack.

Any ideas about what to try to make JAVA happy?

Jack Cole

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I think I have been able to solve this on my own. The I used some newer code for the licensing library for the followLastLicensingURL function.

    public void followLastLicensingUrl(Context context) {
        String licensingUrl = mPolicy.getLicensingUrl();
        if (licensingUrl == null) {
            licensingUrl = "" + context.getPackageName();
        Intent marketIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(licensingUrl));
        if (!(context instanceof Activity)) {
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