Please ask me


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Longtime User
I guess many members don't understand

what is Web API Server?
what is MinimaList API Server?
what is Web API Client?
what is MiniORM?
what is EndsMeet?
what is Velocity template engine?
what is ImageScaler?
what is JWToken?
B4X can use as backend?
what is B4J server?
what is API?
What are all the above use for?

why no one asked?


Licensed User
Longtime User
We knew that sooner or later someone would ask it and someone else would answer


Licensed User
Longtime User
Now you've got me confused, are you looking for someone to ask you questions or are you looking for the answers?

Many of those questions we know the answers to, others can be found on the web.

So you want us to ask you some questions? ChatAericpt?


Licensed User
Longtime User
what is Web API Server?
what is MinimaList API Server?
what is Web API Client?
what is MiniORM?
what is EndsMeet?
what is Velocity template engine?
what is ImageScaler?
what is JWToken?
B4X can use as backend?
what is B4J server?
what is API?
What are all the above use for?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Now you've got me confused, are you looking for someone to ask you questions or are you looking for the answers?
Of course I got my answers.
I am anticipating any members to ask me question. More specifically the question related to what I have created and shared.

Why I created this chat is because someone pm me and told me he had no idea what my projects are use for. I have explained to him with some examples. I am thinking there are one or another members who have the same questions but hesitate to ask.

Yes, basically I have explained many of my projects and also having tutorial and YouTube videos. But still the resources may not helping someone to see the pictures.

Maybe my examples are too simple. Someone may not be able to imagine how can it be use in a more complex use case.

So I invite anyone to ask.
I may not be clear enough in my previous posts.
I will try my best to explain in more details.


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Longtime User
If you really want to ask, can you choose 1 or 2 questions?
The list is just my example.


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Longtime User
Your project is interesting, those who know webApps already know what you're talking about and don't ask you questions or maybe they have their own solution. Others do not work with WebApps and are not interested or do not know the topic and therefore ignore it.

For these reasons, don't expect that you will be inundated with questions, the person asking you is probably a curious person who doesn't know webApps and wants to expand their knowledge.


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Longtime User
I would like you to write a list of your SWs (related to the topic) here, with a concise description-explanation next to each entry.

Then others can refer to a specific item on this list to ask further questions.
Sounds like a full documentation.

I prefer anyone just start with their first question.


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Longtime User

Today orthodox Christians celebrate the Easter. I don't consider my self religious but I consider and accept the Devine. In my case yesterday and today I was doing BBQ and the days before I was working on a project. Thus, I just read your message. So, I would be delightful if you told me about MinimaList API Server, MiniOrm, EndsMeet and Velocity template engine... The others more or less are known to me. Thanks a lot.


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Longtime User
One interesting question being asked, just to share.

"Am I more interested in working on web system?"

Answer: Not really. I do develop for B4J desktop UI apps. My main project is my Point of Sales system.

I maintain a B4A app for a client.

In term of B4X IDE, I prefer to use B4J because it is more convenient to use without using a bridge.

I started to build Web Api server is because there are not much project like this on the forum and Web system is very important in these days. The rest is history.


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Longtime User
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for asking.

MinimaList API Server
MinimaList originally was just a simple code module. It was then used by me to create a "RESTful" API server which doesn't need to connect to a SQL database. MinimaList just working with Maps and Lists. It is similar to working with NoSQL. I don't have any intention to make it compete with other NoSQL database like Firebase or MongoDB. It is just a simple way to store data "temporarily" in memory as objects or variables. Optionally, can also be store in KeyValueStore. No SQL knowledge is needed.
Dim M1 As Map = Main.CategoryList.Find(id)
It powered a demo project called Shao.

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. I learn about this concept in Django (a Python web framework) where developer write code to generate model and manipulate the database by doing migration. I think .NET has Entity framework and PHP also has Eloquent. SQL query is not used. However, I think my version is more like an SQL builder. Currently, the public version supports SQLite and MySQL while I have unreleased version which support Firebird and PostgreSQL.
The equivalent code to find a category by id in MinimaList above can be written with MiniORM as following:
DB.Table = "tbl_categories"
DB.Where = Array("id = ?")
DB.Parameters = Array(id)
Dim Map1 As Map = DB.First

With the same code, you don't need to write separate SQL query when switching to another database. e.g from SQLite to MySQL.
Example: To create a categories table,
DB.Table = "tbl_categories"
DB.Columns.Add(DB.CreateORMColumn2(CreateMap("Name": "category_name")))
DB.Columns.Add(DB.CreateORMColumn2(CreateMap("Name": "category_active", "Type": DB.INTEGER, "Default": 0)))
This code works for both databases, taking care the differences.

Initially Web API Server 2.0 was released with MinimaList but later separated into it's own template and Web API Server 2.0 is now using MiniORM.
Both MinimaList and MiniORM have evolved into b4xlib as MinimaListUtils and MiniORMUtils and can be used in other B4X projects.

EndsMeet is a name I gave to a web framework I created.
It is to make both the Front end and Back end "meet". Using the template engine I wrapped from the open source Apache Velocity project.
It also has other pieces combined together to make a complete web system.
The best project created using this framework is Support Ticketing System.

Velocity template engine
As written above, it is a library which can be use to create web app.
You can read more:
  <h1>Index page</h1>


Licensed User
Longtime User
I guess many members don't understand

what is EndsMeet?

I know the answer to this question.
For 80% of world population this is a false statement.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
those who know webApps already know what you're talking about and don't ask you questions or maybe they have their own solution
I see and read each post you release about your creations, mostly out or curiosity, and I currently have no project were I could use them...

I started to build Web Api server is because there are not much project like this on the forum
Your solutions are just "one amongst many" or "a drop of water in the Ocean".
I don't mean that they are of no interest, and they may even be simpler, or even have more suitable specs than others, but, most devs (pro) tend to have they own choice of tools, or prefer to create their own on a "Need To" basis.


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Longtime User
I agree on the point that some members who understand my projects, they don't ask question.
I don't agree that my projects are so common.
Can anyone list out the projects which are similar?
I think most members prefer working with jRDC2 server as it is more simpler.


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Longtime User
Currently I have 3 apps powered by Web API Server v2 in live production VPS
  1. Cloud Reporting server
    • use to display uploaded invoices in a dashboard for my Point of Sales system in real time
  2. Client Portal
    • License activation server for customer to register for trial license and activate actual license for my Point of Sales system
    • Provide user manual guide and documentation for new users of my Point of Sales system
  3. TeaCat (Customer Support Ticketing System)
    • will be use for dealing with my future customers and engineers
Here are some ambitious web projects in my bucket list (I mean in my todo list ?).
  1. EndsMeet (started but slow progress)
    • The first version is used in TeaCat (Customer Support Ticketing system) and Shao (micro blogging site)
    • An open source version is published but very limited
    • Another unpublished version aka Web API Server v3.0 in development
  2. e-Commerce
    • Finding a good template, UI and JS to incorporate into this project
  3. CMS
    • To make it a multipurpose web builder kit
    • To add a WYSIWYG text editor
  4. EndsMeet Maker
    • A web based drag and drop designer to create the templates for above projects
  5. Web based POS
  6. e-Invoicing service for my local market
I know not much of members in the community are interested in web development.
I plan to create a Youtube video on how to create an e-Commerce from scratch. Hopefully there are some interest there.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
What does this mean? There are too many ready made product in the market? ?

Have you tried using them?
I am not sure about your experience but for me,
  1. Too complicated to learn and use, I just need a simple shop that sell less than 5 products
  2. Too difficult to customize
  3. Too many ads and spam
  4. They actually want you to pay after use the Free version
  5. Too many vulnerabilities as they depends on some free third parties plugins
  6. You will end up hire someone to extend or customize the system
  7. Limited templates
  8. Expensive and subscription based
  9. Too bloated and big in file size
  10. Limited database support
  11. Limited API support for mobile or native app
  12. You think it is stable but actually not
Tell me I am wrong.
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