Please, help me. I need to obtain a value in a ListView


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Hello guys

Sorry, I'm a beginner programmer at Android applications, I'm using basic4android.

Please, I have the next problem

My ListView has 2 columns and an image and 2 rows

Column1 Column2 Image
====== ====== =========
Value1 Value1_1 Image1
Value2 Value2_1 Image2

his event Click generate the next code:

Sub List_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)

End Sub

I need to capture Value1_1 or Value2_1

When I print the second argument from the event List_ItemClick only can print Value1 or Value2.

I was reading about cast in basic4android and dont understand the use for Sender, if any other suggestion will be a great way.

Please help me.

Regards from Peru


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Longtime User
by using AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2 you can stipulate return value ...

ListView1.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2("Value1","Value1_1", Image1,"Value1_1")

Cheers mj
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