Please test if AdMob is showing


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I have just updated my app "My Computer Companion" but I'm not sure that AdMob Ads is showing. I can't see them here in Denmark.

But maybe they only get showed in other countries!!

Could somebody check if the Adds is showing.
I'm not asking you to click on the adds, just confirm that the adds is showing.

I really would like to know, maybe I did something wrong.

I have another thread about AdMob with same same question, but only one has checked and he could not see Adds.


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Just checked your app, My computer companion. I see the place for the AdMob to appear but it is blank. I'm in California. Also, perhaps your app is not finished yet, but the information screen shows up as white text on a light white background on my DroidX. It is not readable.

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I don't get any ads. I'm in Israel. AdMob does work here properly.

I also got an error about a missing file: dos20.txt.
I recommend you to make the TabHost size 100%x and height 100%y - 50dip (for the ad). This way it will resize to the whole screen. I've tested your application with a tablet (Samsung 10.1) and it only uses a small portion of the screen.
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If I use 100% on the Tabhost can I then use 100% on my listviews I have in my tabhost?

I found out why it was asking for dos20.txt and it wil be corrected in the next version.
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So I just updated it.
But not with a version that would be displayed on tablet only phone.

There was something missing in the XML file, I hope AdMob is showed now.

To Erel: I would still like to know what to do with ListView when using 100%x, 100%y with TabHost?
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Why not both? I've coded mine for small, medium and large screen resolutions.

I'll update it and see.

I've been quite interested in the statistics that the Market can chuck back at you! :)

I think the tips and tricks font is a little wrong... it's quite small on my phone.
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I tried that, but my ListViews are to heigh, you can not see the bottom of them.

I did set:
TabHost.Height = 100%x
TabHost.Width = 100%y - 50dip

ListView.Height = -1
ListView.Width = -1

I set both my ListView to that and my EditText to -1

Does it matter where in my code I set those values?
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B4X founder
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I've just tried the following code and it works correctly.
Sub Globals
    Dim TabHost1 As TabHost
    Dim ListView1 As ListView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim p As Panel
    TabHost1.AddTab2("Tab 1", p)
    p.AddView(ListView1, 0, 0, -1, -1)
    ListView1.FastScrollEnabled = True
    Activity.AddView(TabHost1, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
    For i = 1 To 4000
End Sub
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Your example also work fine when I try it in the emulator.
I have two emulators:
240x320 to emulate HTC Wildfire
480x800 to emulate HTC Desire S

But I designed mine with Designer. I did not create UI in the program.

Could it be possible for me to send my sorcecode to you to see if you get the same result as I?
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Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

   Activity.Title = "My Computer Companion"
   '** Find phone resulution
   Dim lv As LayoutValues
   lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
   ScreenWidth = lv.Width
   ScreenHeight = lv.Height

   ValgtSystem = 0
   ValgtTips = 0
   '** Initialize
   AdView1.Initialize("Ad", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
   Activity.AddView(AdView1, 0dip, 0dip, 320dip, 50dip)
End Sub

Sub ResizeSystem
 Activity.Width = ScreenWidth
 Activity.Height = ScreenHeight
 ivSplash.Width = ScreenWidth
 ivSplash.Height = ScreenHeight
 btnStartMCC.Left = (100%x / 2) - (btnStartMCC.Width / 2)
 btnStartMCC.Top = 100%y - btnStartMCC.Height - (ScreenHeight * 0.2)
End Sub

Sub FillSystem
   lvSystem.Height = -1
   lvSystem.Width = -1
   lvSystem.AddSingleLine("Windows XP")
   lvSystem.AddSingleLine("Windows Vista")
   lvSystem.AddSingleLine("Windows 7")
   lvSystem.AddSingleLine("MAC OS-X")
End Sub

Sub thMenu_TabChanged
   If thMenu.CurrentTab = 1 Then '** Tips & Tricks
      lvTips.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 10
      lvTips.Height = -1
      lvTips.Width = -1
              End If
   If thMenu.CurrentTab = 2 Then '** Information
      txtInformation.Height = -1
      txtInformation.Width = -1
              End If
End Sub

Sub btnStartMCC_Click
   '** Resize screen
   thMenu.Width = 100%x
   thMenu.Height = 100%y-50dip
   thMenu.AddTab("System", "System")
   thMenu.AddTab("Tips & Tricks", "Tips")
   thMenu.AddTab("Information", "Information")
   '** Fill listview
End Sub

Hope you can get something out of this!
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Okay I tried it with my Wildfire Emulator settings 240 x 320

Screen.Height = 230
Screen.Width = 240

lvSystem.Height = -1
lvSystem.Width = -1


Here you can not see the last system (DOS)

lvTips.Height = -1
lvTips.Width = -1


Here you can not see last item number 40 (is in list)

txtInformation.Height = -1
txtInformation.Width = -1


Here the EditTExt is to big.

Hope this can help you point out my problem.
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Resize them? They've fallen off the bottom of your screen, but I'm sure you knew that already. I would make the OS items and text a little smaller and they should all fit. Then again the hints text needs to be a bit bigger, imho.
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I did that at first.
Read the screen size and set the size according to that.
But Erel said it did not look good on a tab.

So I'm trying to make it suit every screen size.

But so far not with much luck.
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