Please waiting for me join all of you when I must go to the jail.


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Because I was sentenced to prison for posting messages and pictures defaming the police because I was written in a case of slandering me in the case of a car crashing into a dead person. Although I did not drive at high speed or drive a car into the deceased, the police wrote a case statement to me to be at fault. Therefore, he was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison by the court, which is the reason why I cannot follow up and learn B4X in the future.


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I have no words.
It looks surreal.
I join @aeric in the hope that someone could make the truth come out.
Take care.


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Yes, take care @Theera ...
Hopefully this can be resolved and you will be back with us very soon. 😉


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I'm so sorry, I hope everything gets sorted out and you can be with your family soon and here with us on the forum.


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Longtime User
Keep calm. Think over it.
Do not take step in haste. Consult with you near and dear ones.

Time not good for you and all look against you.
But keep in mind if you are correct HE will help you out. Have Faith.


Well-Known Member
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I cannot follow up and learn B4X in the future.
Yes, you can in the future although you might not be able in the near future.

I hope that the judge would soon realize that you are wrongfully convicted and set you free.


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Hope you come back as soon as possible. everything will be better. B4X is waiting for you forever