Android Question Plenty of RAM, but error "outofmemory"

Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello there!

I have plenty of Ram in my device, but I'm getting the error "outofmemory" very often.

What is happening here? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your time and responses.

Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm using:


There are around 5-7 images. The biggest is 1200 x 800.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
1200x800x4 gives : 3840000kb as usage for each image. Multiply that by 7...

Why are the images so big?

Use BitmapSample and look at recycling the memory once used.

Install the Memory Manager - check memory use in the App when it's started. Then when you display one image, then a few etc... You'll see the impact on memory as you go along.
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