B4A Library PndFFmpegKit - FFmpeg Library

This is a message from the official Github page:

FFmpegKit has been officially retired. There will be no further ffmpeg-kit releases.

All previously released ffmpeg-kit binaries will be REMOVED according to the following schedule.

FFmpegKit Version - Available Until
Less than 6.0 - February 1st, 2025
6.0 - April 1st, 2025

FFmpegKit is a wrapper library that allows you to easily run FFmpeg/FFprobe commands in applications. It provides additional features on top of FFmpeg to enable platform specific resources, control how commands are executed and how the results are handled.
Original library: https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit

Wrapper is based on v6.0.2 LTS version, supports Android API 16+
Supported Android architectures: arm-v7a, arm-v7a-neon, arm64-v8a, x86, x86-64.
You can use whatever command from FFmpeg, example app is just example how to use this lib/wrapper.
If you find FFmpeg command with quotes " replace quotes " to single quote ', like in variable FFmpegCommand in Video to Gif example.

Useful documentation and commands:

Example app: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8z0iq9majtaill/FFmpegKitExample.zip?dl=0
Additional download: https://github.com/arthenica/ffmpeg-kit/releases/download/v6.0.LTS/ffmpeg-kit-full-gpl-6.0-2.LTS.aar
Put file from additional download in Additional library folder together with files from FFmpegKitLibrary.zip


  • FFmpegKitLibrary.zip
    29.2 KB · Views: 56
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Great work. Thanks!

I saw that the ffmpeg-kit has several packages:

Can I use only the min package or the video package to decrease the final size of the app?

Thanks for your support.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there a way to use the filter with (') in ExecuteAsync instead ExecuteWithArgumentsAsync?
(quote: because of this part :force_style='fontsize=70,PrimaryColour=&H00FF99AA' we need to use ExecuteWithArgumentsAsync as ExecuteAsync will remove ' from command)

I try to merge drawtext with subtitles. It works with ExecuteAsync, but I can't use the force_style.
FFmpegCommand = "-i " & InputFilePath & " -vf 'drawtext=fontsize=40:text=" & TextOverVideo & ":y=85','subtitles=" & InputSubtitlesPath & "' -acodec copy -y " & OutputFilePath

If I use the same command in ExecuteWithArgumentsAsync, don't works.
Dim FFmpegCommandArray() As String = Array As String("-i", InputFilePath, "-vf", "drawtext=fontfile=" & InputFontPath & ":text=" & TextOverVideo & ":fontsize=50:fontcolor=white", "subtitles=" & InputSubtitlesPath, "-acodec", "copy", "-y", OutputFilePath)

Any help are welcome. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
This code work:
Dim FFmpegCommandArray() As String = Array As String("-i", InputFilePath, "-vf", "drawtext=fontfile=" & InputFontPath & ":text=" & TextOverVideo & ":fontsize=50:fontcolor=white:x=50:y=100", "-acodec", "copy", "-y", OutputFilePath)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I found the problem. I was using the separator to drawtext and subtitle filters in FFmpegCommandArray and this is the problem.
Here is the correct code:
Dim FFmpegCommandArray() As String = Array As String("-i", InputFilePath, "-vf", "drawtext=fontfile=" & InputFontPath & ":text=" & TextOverVideo  & ":fontsize=50:fontcolor=white:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=100" & ", subtitles=" & InputSubtitlesPath & ":force_style='fontsize=30,PrimaryColour=&H00FFFFFF,OutlineColour=&HFF000000,Bold=1,Alignment=10'", "-acodec", "copy", "-y", OutputFilePath)



Can this library be used to trim videos?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Check if this commands lines works with the lib:
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