Android Question PNG image not appearing on PDF


Active Member
Hi All

Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated. I'm adding an image to my PDF but when I preview it, I can only see the text and not the image.

Adding image to PDF:
pdf.outtextflow(10,200,pdf.AlignLeft,"Third Charge : " & Print_Charge3 & CRLF )
pdf.outtextflow(10,200,pdf.AlignLeft,"Description : " & Print_Description3 & CRLF )
pdf.outtextflow(10,200,pdf.AlignLeft,"Amount: R" & Print_Fine3 & CRLF )
pdf.outtextflow(10,200,pdf.AlignLeft,"------------------------------" & CRLF)
pdf.outtextflow(10,200,pdf.AlignLeft,"*** Driver's Signature ***" & CRLF)

Dim Final_Signature As String
Final_Signature = Driver_Signature_Name &"_"& B4XPages.MainPage.Notice_No_FTP & ".png"
pdf.outImage(File.DirInternal, Final_Signature,10,20,0,0)

I'm able to print the signature but it does not appear in the PDF...

Thanks in advance
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