B4J Question POI use newer 3.16 or 3.17 version

Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
How can I upgrade to using POI 3.16

I have a spread sheet that has 779 rows in it and when I run the following code:

       Dim  JO       As JavaObject   = Sheet
       Dim  LastRow   As Int       = Sheet.LastRowNumber
       Dim  RowNum     As Int
       Dim  Cmp1     As String
       Dim  Cmp2     As String
       Dim  Row     As PoiRow
       Dim  Row2     As PoiRow
       Log("Sort Sheet:" &Sheet.Name)
       For RowNum = 0 To LastRow-1
         Row    = Sheet.GetRow(RowNum)
         If  Row.IsInitialized = False Then Continue
         Cmp1 = Row.GetCell(ColumnToSort).ValueString
         Log("RowNum:" &RowNum &"  Cmp1:" &Cmp1)         

I do not get a Valid row until I get to row 679 and clearly the rows are there when I open the spreadsheet in excel. But even after I find a valid row and compare it to another later on and try to do a shiftrows
#Region ShiftRows
Public  Sub ShiftRows(Sheet As PoiSheet, StartRow As Int, EndRow As Int, DirectionAmt As Int)
       Dim jo As JavaObject = Sheet
       jo.RunMethod("shiftRows", Array(StartRow, EndRow, DirectionAmt))     
End Sub
#end Region

I try the shift routine and get this
          Log("RowNum:" &RowNum &"  Cmp1:" &Cmp1 &"  Cmp2:" &Cmp2)
           If  Cmp2.CompareTo(Cmp1) < 0 Then
             ShiftRows(Sheet, Row2.RowNumber, Row2.RowNumber, -1)
             ShiftRows(Sheet, Row.RowNumber,    Row.RowNumber,    1)
             Sorting = True
           End If

RowNum:768  Cmp1:World�s Finest Comics  Cmp2:Worlds Collide
Error occurred on line: 135
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)

There are reports of shiftrows using minus 1 not working right in earlier versions (the version we are using).

Maybe this is the problem but I would like to get to the current release. Is there an easy way to do this?


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