B4A Library Pollfish -A new innovative way to monetize your apps! Forget about ads!


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With Inline Java code you don't need a wrapper anymore. Here are the steps to run pollfish:
1) Add Google play services and pollfish sdk in project attributes (after you download Pollfish SDK):
#AdditionalRes: ...correct path...\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res, com.google.android.gms
    #AdditionalJar: ...correct path...\pollfish-googleplay-4.2.1.jar

2) Add these lines of code at the end of your project:
import com.pollfish.main.PollFish;
import com.pollfish.main.PollFish.ParamsBuilder;
import com.pollfish.constants.Position;

public void _onResume() {
    PollFish.initWith(this, new ParamsBuilder("YOUR API KEY").build());
#End IF

If you want to test it the change the above line with:
PollFish.initWith(this, new ParamsBuilder("YOUR API KEY").releaseMode(false).build());

Don't forget to add internet permission!

That's it you are done
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Ok, so I'm just about ready to shoot myself having tried for most of yesterday trying to get this working in B4A 6.0 (and previously 5.80). I've downloaded and unzipped the Pollfish wrapper library and put the PollfishB4A.jar and PollfishB4A.xml files in my 'Additional Libraries' folder as per usual.

These are the instructions from the document included in the wrapper library zip file with my comments in bold:
  1. Download PollfishB4A.zip and decompress it into Basic4Android Extralibs folder. Ok, so I'm guessing by "Extralibs" they mean the "Additional Libraries" folder.
  2. Setup Google Play services for your app, as described here(https://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html). How do we do this when developing in B4A 6.0? The instructions linked to are not for B4A and I have no idea how to apply them to B4A 6.0.
  3. Check pollfishB4A in the libs panel. Ok
  4. Add #extends:com.pollfish.pollfishB4A.PollFishActivity to the Activity Attributes region. Ok
  5. Declare a variable of type Pollfish in Sub Globals. Ok
  6. Initialize it in the Sub Activity_Resume. Ok
  7. Set to Release mode and release in Store. What if we're not ready to release in store (even as beta)? Can we test it locally in debug mode through B4A Bridge?
  8. Update your privacy policy. Ok

I've included the following lines in the manifest:

SetApplicationAttribute(android:debuggable, "true")

I'm not sure whether the AddPermission line is required but I saw it quoted in some of the instructions so included it. I've used the API key given to me by Pollfish for my app in the 'Initialize' call.

I can get the app to compile and run without error but no surveys appear and I'm guessing this has something to do with the Google Play Services not being set up.
  1. Can anyone confirm that I'm generally on the right track and if possible give me some instructions on how to set up the Google Play Services correctly in B4A 6.0?
  2. Should I be using the inline Java method rather than the wrapper library and if so how do we call the show & hide methods or handle Pollfish events?
I've also tried the "AndroTest" demo B4A app that Pollfish provide but that doesn't show any surveys either. I had to use the API key they provided for my other app for this too. I don't know whether there's a different key I should've used instead. Any ideas on why this doesn't work either?

Sorry if these seem like (too many!) stupid questions but I'm damned if I can get this working with the information I've managed to find so far.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
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The old library doesn't support the new pollfish SDK.
I am not sure about how you can access events with inline java but for manual show and hide you can add to the java code:
public void showpoll {
public void hidepoll {

and call them from a button:

Sub Button1_Click
End Sub

of course for inline java:
Sub Process_Globals
   Private NativeMe As JavaObject
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   If FirstTime Then
   End If
End Sub


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Thanks tpakis that was very useful. I've now changed my code as per your posts above. I found I had to add brackets after showpoll and hidepoll in their declarations otherwise I got an error.

My inline Java now looks like this:

import com.pollfish.main.PollFish;
import com.pollfish.main.PollFish.ParamsBuilder;
import com.pollfish.constants.Position;

public void _onResume() {
        PollFish.initWith(this, new ParamsBuilder("API-KEY").releaseMode(false).build());

public void showpoll() {

public void hidepoll() {
#End If

I've added the following to Process_Globals:

Dim NativeMe As JavaObject

I've also added the following to the manifest:

'************ Google Play Services Base ************
  <activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiActivity"
  android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
'************ Google Play Services Base (end) ************

I was then getting the following error:

AndroidManifest.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@Integer/google_play_services_version').

I then added the following to the Project Attributes #Region:

  #AdditionalJar: <my_path>\pollfish-googleplay-4.2.1.jar
    #AdditionalJar: com.google.android.gms:play-services-base

... and the following to Activity_Create:
If FirstTime Then
End If

I think that's all the changes I made to my project to get it to work. I'm now playing with the other options detailed here: https://www.pollfish.com/docs/android/google-play to get it behaving exactly how I want it. I've noticed that there's some info on handling the Pollfish events on that page I linked to as well but I'm not sure how we implement them in B4A. It's getting late here now so I'm off to bed. I'll continue again in the morning!

Thanks for your help.


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I am geting the following error

...Compiling generated Java code. Error
javac 1.8.0_101
src\androidapp\app\main.java:20: error: package com.pollfish.pollfishB4A does not exist
public class main extends com.pollfish.pollfishB4A.PollFishActivity implements B4AActivity...


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Have you removed -unticked the old library from the project? I'm saying this because pollfishB4A shouldn't exist so it shouldn't cause an error.


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Yes but the problem now is how i can add java event listeners when for example a survey is received????


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I made it all ready work and i can see surveys and complete them. But now i am missing the inline java listeners to undestand when an survey received, closed ,completed etc


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This is the code for accessing all the events of the pollfish sdk. Watch out it's on releasemode(false) for testing so it works only on debug, remove it for release

Sub onPollfishClosed
End Sub
Sub onPollfishOpened
End Sub

Sub onUserNotEligible
End Sub
Sub onPollfishSurveyCompleted(playfulsurvey As Boolean,surveyprice As Int)
    Log("onPollfishSurveyCompleted"& " "&playfulsurvey&" "&surveyprice)
End Sub
Sub onPollfishSurveyReceived(playfulsurvey As Boolean,surveyprice As Int)
    Log("onPollfishSurveyReceived"& " "&playfulsurvey&" "&surveyprice)
End Sub
Sub onPollfishSurveyNotAvailable
End Sub
'In all Java code the name of the subs must be in lower case, if the subs are called from activity then processBA.raise... else ba.raise...
import anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common;
import com.pollfish.main.PollFish;
import com.pollfish.main.PollFish.ParamsBuilder;
import com.pollfish.constants.Position;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishSurveyCompletedListener;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishUserNotEligibleListener;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishOpenedListener;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishClosedListener;
import com.pollfish.interfaces.PollfishSurveyReceivedListener;

public void _onResume() {
        ParamsBuilder paramsBuilder = new ParamsBuilder("YOURAPIKEY")
.pollfishSurveyReceivedListener(new PollfishSurveyReceivedListener() {
    public void onPollfishSurveyReceived(final boolean playfulSurvey, final int surveyPrice)
    if (processBA.subExists("onpollfishsurveyreceived")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onpollfishsurveyreceived", new Object[] {playfulSurvey,surveyPrice});
.pollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener(new PollfishSurveyNotAvailableListener() {
    public void onPollfishSurveyNotAvailable(){
    if (processBA.subExists("onpollfishsurveynotavailable")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onpollfishsurveynotavailable", null);
.pollfishSurveyCompletedListener(new PollfishSurveyCompletedListener() {
    public void onPollfishSurveyCompleted(final boolean playfulSurvey, final int surveyPrice)
    if (processBA.subExists("onpollfishsurveycompleted")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onpollfishsurveycompleted", new Object[] {playfulSurvey,surveyPrice});
.pollfishUserNotEligibleListener(new PollfishUserNotEligibleListener() {
        public void onUserNotEligible(){
         if (processBA.subExists("onusernoteligible")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onusernoteligible", null);
.pollfishOpenedListener(new PollfishOpenedListener() {
        public void onPollfishOpened(){
        if (processBA.subExists("onpollfishopened")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onpollfishopened", null);
.pollfishClosedListener(new PollfishClosedListener() {
        public void onPollfishClosed(){
        if (processBA.subExists("onpollfishclosed")) {
        processBA.raiseEventFromUI(this, "onpollfishclosed", null);

    PollFish.initWith(this, paramsBuilder);

#End IF


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I tried the sample and works great on android 5 emulator , in debug mode since it's releasemode(false). But before it did, i had to add this to the manifest for play services to work:
'************ Google Play Services Base ************
  <activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiActivity"
  android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
'************ Google Play Services Base (end) ************

I have faced a weird issue with android 7 with app ui becoming unresponsive with pollfish 4.3.1 sdk and not with 4.2.1 . I will further investigate it.


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Something funny is happening with 7 nougat emulator. When i use debug mode with the latest sdk the app becomes unresponsive, and sometimes stops with "waiting for debugger to connect" .If i close the app and restart it from inside the emulator not from b4a then the debugger connects, and everything works properly with the app. I really don't understand what is happening.


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Is it possible to call a sub in a service when a new survey is available and the activity is paused?
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