Posible GPS Lib 1.00 Bug


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Longtime User
Hi All,
I’m running the GPS1.00 Lib on a Moto Defy in Australia (Southern Hemisphere) and using locations to store and calculate COG and SOG, all is working as expect, except when pacing out on a football pitch I noticed when moving North was COG 0 deg, South was COG was 180 good. Moving West COG was 90 and East COG was 270 woops!!! I have confirmed against another couple of Nav Apps which all work correctly. I also found Bearing to target didn’t return the bearing but -180 to +180 which in not the true meaning of “bearing”. This could also be related to the first issue.
While we are fiddling with the GPS lib and can we add VMG.

Can anyone help or confirm this issue?

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