I want to send jpg files to my server.
I want to use postmultipart, i do it like this :
My php :
That is a copy of donmanfred's code.
But on my server I got this in the multipart :
I have to say that I use a slightly modified version of httpJob, because I use https.
in attachtment the file.
I really have no clue what to debug next. When I look at the log file it seems the size is 0?
Is it because my jpg files are to big?
greets John
I want to send jpg files to my server.
I want to use postmultipart, i do it like this :
Dim fd As MultipartFileData
fd.Dir = Starter.imageFolder ' the folder where the images are stored
Dim mydetail As orderdetail = listorderdetails.Get(0)
fd.FileName = mydetail.afbeelding1 'the location of the file
fd.keyname = "foto"
fd.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Dim job2 As HttpJob
job2.Initialize("Overzetten_afbeeldingen", Me)
job2.PostMultipart(Starter.URLstring & "multipartpost.php", Null,files)
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$file_handle = fopen('./multipartpost.log', 'a+');
fwrite($file_handle, "======================================"."\r\n");
foreach($_REQUEST as $name => $value){
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).": ".$name."=".$value."\r\n");
fwrite($file_handle, "======================================"."\r\n");
$uploads[] = array();
fwrite($file_handle, "======= FILES ========================"."\r\n");
foreach($_FILES as $name => $value){
$uploads[$name] = $value;
foreach($value as $fname => $fvalue){
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).": ".$fname."=".$fvalue."\r\n");
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).": Upload of \"".$name."\"\r\n");
$uploaddir = './images/';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES[$name]['name']);
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).": MoveUploadedFile(".$_FILES[$name]['name'].")\r\n");
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
$uploads[$name]["status"] = $_FILES[$name]['name']." saved successfull";
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).": ->moving ".$_FILES[$name]['name']." successfull\r\n");
#echo "Datei ist valide und wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.\n";
else {
$uploads[$name]["status"] = $_FILES[$name]['name']." failed to save!";
fwrite($file_handle, date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()).":->moving ".$_FILES[$name]['name']." NOT successfull\r\n");
#echo "Möglicherweise eine Dateiupload-Attacke!\n";
fwrite($file_handle, "======================================"."\r\n");
$appresult["uploads"] = $uploads;
echo json_encode($appresult);
That is a copy of donmanfred's code.
But on my server I got this in the multipart :
======= FILES ========================
10.11.2016 16:05:32: name=1478597511098_foto_0.jpg
10.11.2016 16:05:32: type=
10.11.2016 16:05:32: tmp_name=
10.11.2016 16:05:32: error=1
10.11.2016 16:05:32: size=0
10.11.2016 16:05:32: Upload of "foto"
10.11.2016 16:05:32: MoveUploadedFile(1478597511098_foto_0.jpg)
10.11.2016 16:05:32: name=1478597511098_foto_0.jpg
10.11.2016 16:05:32: type=
10.11.2016 16:05:32: tmp_name=
10.11.2016 16:05:32: error=1
10.11.2016 16:05:32: size=0
10.11.2016 16:05:32: Upload of "foto"
10.11.2016 16:05:32: MoveUploadedFile(1478597511098_foto_0.jpg)
I have to say that I use a slightly modified version of httpJob, because I use https.
in attachtment the file.
I really have no clue what to debug next. When I look at the log file it seems the size is 0?
Is it because my jpg files are to big?
greets John