After taking a few days making changes in part B4A I found a "mystery".
The POST requests that until the activation of the SSL were received correctly on the server side, after activating the SSL (or at least that seems to me) on the server side are received as GET.
Is that behavior normal?
I apologize in advance if I am asking an obvious question.
I think I have already found the point at which the change from POST to GET occurs. It is in the HttpsFilter:
'Return True to allow the request to proceed.
Public Sub Filter(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse) As Boolean
Log("HttpsFilter: " & req.Method)
If req.Secure Then
Return True
resp.SendRedirect(req.FullRequestURI.Replace("http:", "https:") _
.Replace(Main.SRVR.Port, Main.SRVR.SslPort))
Return False
End If
End Sub
If the original call I make it on the https url it works, but if I do it on the http, then the change of the POST to the GET takes place
To the httpsfilter arrives as a POST but it seems that the method change occurs in the SendRedirect.