When making a select query, the PostgreSQL jdbc driver tries to get all results at once. This can lead to memory issues when there are many results.
It is possible to set the cursor fetch size with this code:
Note that you also need to create a transaction:
This is useful for a non-ui app. In a UI app you should use the async methods together with LIMIT and OFFSET (also possible in a non-ui app but is a bit more complicated).
It is possible to set the cursor fetch size with this code:
Private Sub ExecQueryWithFetchSize(SQL As SQL, FetchSize As Int, Query As String, Args As List) As ResultSet
Dim connection As JavaObject = SQL.As(JavaObject).GetField("connection")
Dim statement As JavaObject = connection.RunMethod("prepareStatement", Array(Query))
statement.RunMethod("setFetchSize", Array(FetchSize))
If Args.IsInitialized Then
For i = 0 To Args.Size - 1
statement.RunMethod("setObject", Array(i + 1, Args.Get(i)))
End If
Dim rs As ResultSet = statement.RunMethod("executeQuery", Null)
Dim ResultSetWrapper As JavaObject
ResultSetWrapper.InitializeStatic("anywheresoftware.b4j.objects.SQL$ResultSetWrapper").GetFieldJO("closePS") _
.RunMethod("put", Array(rs, statement))
Return rs
End Sub
Note that you also need to create a transaction:
Dim rs As ResultSet = ExecQueryWithFetchSize(postgres, 200, "SELECT * FROM large_table")
Do While rs.NextRow
End Try
This is useful for a non-ui app. In a UI app you should use the async methods together with LIMIT and OFFSET (also possible in a non-ui app but is a bit more complicated).