Preference Activity not found error


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I'm trying to use the preference activity, tested the example supplied and all worked well.
to use in my own project, I need to put the preference activity code in other activity, but when I do this I get the following error:

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.preferenceactivity/anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.preferenceactivity.preferences}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

I tried with the example, just moving the code to another activity and starting that activity. It gives this error always.
I tried checking the option to not overwrite the manifest, but the result is the same.
So, I think there's no error with the manifest file, but even I tried to add the preference activity to the manifest file, and this also not worked.

can someone please help me?
thank you


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Preference Activity in anorter activity

Thank you Erel.

I´ve tried this, using this line in the manifest, but it not worked.
I´ve tried your example, and it worked ok. But when I move the code to another activity, I have this message cannot find the activity.
Any problem in moving the code to another activity, or I must use this code only in the main activity?
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Found the error

Hello Erel,

I´ve found the error, it was the name of my new activity, it was begining with upper case, but I was calling all lower case. :signOops:

Thank your for your attention.
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