I use the tPreferencesDialog for a few preferences
One is a date
My app is used all round the world so I need it to conform with regional settings.
Locally, I'm dd/MM/yyyy but the preference dialog seems to default to MM/dd/yyyy
I'm loading the dialog from a json
Sub Class_Globals
Public prefdialog As PreferencesDialog
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
prefdialog.Initialize(Root, "Settings", 300dip, 300dip)
prefdialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "settings.json"))
There is a App-wide setting that is used whenever DateTime is used. All B4X libraries involving dates use it.
It also can be changed before DateTime is invoked (and changed back after if needed). The formats can be found in the intellisense prompt.