premium membership


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I am on and off with regards to programming, due to other things I am doing.. so a little slow in climbing the learning curve..
My wish, and according to my past and preset experience, is to see Anywhere Software provides two levels of support service, the one we have now, and another one that you may call premium membership, where members can receive detailed and focused support, by email and phone, for an anual membership fee.
If this kind of membership is already exist then please make it public.



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Hmmm ... as long as it doesn't mean that Erel has to take time off from developing B4A, thats more important.

I think the level of help here is already extremely high, many times reading through I see posted helpful and informative replies to questions that very vague.


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I think the B4A support, documentation and examples are excellent. I do not expect support to teach me how to program. There must be boundaries.

There are many VB books, examples and tutorials on the web, most of the basics apply to B4A. There are also contract programmers who can help or write code.


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There are many VB books, examples and tutorials on the web

I have no problem with VB and don't need to read books to learn it now.
Also I am not looking for teacher to learn b4a.. but when I work on b4a project I need some specific way to impliement a syntax or function.. The examples in b4a are great, but indeed some of them need to be more focused on the user's level of knowleadge, not on the developer's.
Of course there are lots of books on VB, but the best and more authenticated are those written by microsoft.. look at all vb versions.. all of them assume readers have no prior experience in programming whatsoever. Exasmples are short but complete.. by complete I mean the user builds on them right away.. and expands them, instead of trying to brake the code or rewrite the example before using it.. DBUtils doesn't save records on a table while saving a record is a main function of any tutorial. that needs to be explained as well, (not just included). b4a is not vb.. it is java in vb clothing, and I, as a user, don't have any experience with java.
Erel is very busy developing this great product, and by no means I am asking for him to be a technical support employee.. on the contrary, I see hese brief answers to tens of questions every day show how busy he is, and the additional service I am wishing is to free him to continue only with the developement and outsource the tech support to other trained paid people (may be in india).. they don't need to be online and they can take their time before responding to an email from registered members. And beleive me, this is going to hapen sooner or later.
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What level of support do you expect and with what frequency?
What if the technical support does not know the answer of your question? Programming is an extremely vast topic and no one can know everything? Also how much will you be willing to pay for such a service?

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This wish is about language questions, (not programming).. again b4a is java and android APIs language in VB clothing and it has (at least for me) a steep learning curve (for serious apps) ..
Anyways, I know my boundries and borders and can not tell anybody on their business model.. can not put my nose where it doesn't blong.. just found this WISH form and dropped mine. my role ends here.
Thanks to all


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This wish is about language questions, (not programming).. again b4a is java and android APIs language in VB clothing and it has (at least for me) a steep learning curve (for serious apps) ..
Anyways, I know my boundries and borders and can not tell anybody on their business model.. can not put my nose where it doesn't blong.. just found this WISH form and dropped mine. my role ends here.
Thanks to all
I would still like to know what you would expect to get and pay for such a service as a business proposal?
Your 'wish' so far is just an idea with no development yet, so I would like to know more of what is in your mind.
Considering support spends 10/hour a month on supporting you are you willing to pay $100/month or a similar amount?


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Anyways, I know my boundries and borders and can not tell anybody on their business model.. can not put my nose where it doesn't blong.. just found this WISH form and dropped mine. my role ends here.
Thank you for posting this suggestion.

One possible direction which is available now is to post a "semi project" request in the job offers. The task will not be handled by a formal representative however from my experience you can get good results from the participating members.


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Thanks Erel,
will act according to your valiable advice.

I would still like to know what you would expect to get and pay for such a service as a business proposal?
Your 'wish' so far is just an idea with no development yet, so I would like to know more of what is in your mind.
Considering support spends 10/hour a month on supporting you are you willing to pay $100/month or a similar amount?

Thanks so much and your suggestion is ok with me.. my purpose is to learn the language by doing, also I will have database projects from time to time.. the goal is to write them by myself, and the need is for programming support from some knowleadgeable people... this way I can learn and also (work-study)!
As Erel put it, it is (semi-projects) that are needed. or you may say modules or components (or glue-code) that I can stitch to my project.
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