Hi Everyone,
I get a "Prepare failed" error when the code is run on the media load statement. Can you check the code and tell us what to fix to stop the errors?
If I use File.DirRootExternal it works ok and no errors.
If I use File.DirDefaultExternal it works ok and no errors.
Using File.DirAssets gives a "no such file or directory" error.
Using File.DirInternal gives a "prepare failed" error.
Using File.DirInternalCache gives a "prepare failed" error.
I get a "Prepare failed" error when the code is run on the media load statement. Can you check the code and tell us what to fix to stop the errors?
If I use File.DirRootExternal it works ok and no errors.
If I use File.DirDefaultExternal it works ok and no errors.
Using File.DirAssets gives a "no such file or directory" error.
Using File.DirInternal gives a "prepare failed" error.
Using File.DirInternalCache gives a "prepare failed" error.
Sub DownloadedMp3File
ProgressBarDownloading.Indeterminate = True
ProgressBarDownloading.Visible = True
HttpUtils.Download("Job1", mp3Url)
End Sub
Sub JobDone(Job As String)
Select Job
Case "Job1"
If HttpUtils.IsSuccess(mp3Url) Then
Dim mp3 As InputStream
mp3 = HttpUtils.GetInputStream(mp3Url)
ProgressBarDownloading.Visible = False
ToggleButtonPlayPause.Checked = True
ToggleButtonPlayPause.Enabled = True
blnCurrentPauseCheckedState = True
blnCurrentPauseEnabledState = True
mpTheMediaPlayer.Load(File.DirInternal, "077.mp3")
End If
End Select
End Sub
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