"Prepare failed" error with media player after file copy


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Hi Everyone,

I get a "Prepare failed" error when the code is run on the media load statement. Can you check the code and tell us what to fix to stop the errors?

If I use File.DirRootExternal it works ok and no errors.
If I use File.DirDefaultExternal it works ok and no errors.

Using File.DirAssets gives a "no such file or directory" error.
Using File.DirInternal gives a "prepare failed" error.
Using File.DirInternalCache gives a "prepare failed" error.


Sub DownloadedMp3File

   ProgressBarDownloading.Indeterminate = True
   ProgressBarDownloading.Visible = True
    HttpUtils.Download("Job1", mp3Url)
End Sub

Sub JobDone(Job As String)

  Select Job
        Case "Job1"

            If HttpUtils.IsSuccess(mp3Url) Then 

            Dim mp3 As InputStream
                mp3 = HttpUtils.GetInputStream(mp3Url)

            ProgressBarDownloading.Visible = False

            ToggleButtonPlayPause.Checked = True
            ToggleButtonPlayPause.Enabled = True
            blnCurrentPauseCheckedState = True
            blnCurrentPauseEnabledState = True
            mpTheMediaPlayer.Load(File.DirInternal, "077.mp3")
            End If
    End Select
End Sub
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Do you know roughly when the next version will be ready?

We look forward to it.

No. MediaPlayer cannot access the internal folder as it is hosted in a separate process.

I believe that there is a workaround but it will only be possible to apply it in the next version.
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Erel, am using 1.92 and get the same error when trying to copy sound files out of database (as a blob) to the internal directory, and then loading them into MediaPlayer. (works perfectly with File.DirRootExternal.... but if I understand correctly, if DirInternal is used... no special permission required... and that would be the only one my app would need)

Is this resolved in 2.0?

If not, is there a way to load soundfiles that are stored as Blob's directly to MediaPlayer without saving them as a file first?

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