Prevent APP from Closing Any Suggestion


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I have spend my time last months to programm a App for Taxi Cabs to require there Contracts and i communicates with the walkie talkie over the RFCOMM BT
and all works like a charme but sometimes it seems Android closing my App but that should not be the App should always run.

I have one Activity with Panels and one Service Module where the Service Module comunicates with the BT RFCOMM.

The Activity cannot be closed over the Back Button i disabled it, only
the Home Button works and then send Activity_Pause(False).

Now i have added a Timer in the Service Module what Restart the Activity all 5 Minutes if it is Paused and bring it to Front (StartActivity) this works aslong no other App is running.

Now i playing with xillalive any Radio Streams in Background and Sometimes after 1 Hour i want use the Taxi App Android seems has closed my APP "Programm wurde beendet" but there no Bug in my APP.

That's hard with the Galaxy Tab BT Bug for me, now i must Turn ON/OFF BT or restart it to activate may APP.

Now i have a big problem ANY SUGGESTION how i can prevent the app from closing it's a must have ??


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