Android Question Print on serial port


Dear friends,
I have a android pos system Citaq H10 with built in thermal printer , wich prints from serial port, port ttys1 i think . Im trying to make my old soft with b4a run on this device,but i can't do print.
Some one gave me the sdk (source code and library) of the manufacturer that i can't use because i don't know how to implement in b4a.
I need your helps to get a small code to test the printer
1- the apk delivred in this sdk work fine and makes printer test
2- I found a post wrote by Victor Medrano with a library 'Cprinterlib' but without samples and how to use, if possible a help


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I think your first problem is connecting to the printer. After that, your second problem is to control the printer with the correct printer codes. My experience with printers is that I usually manage to display a simple 12345 string followed by a CR/LF or at least get a response from the printer. I would start with something like the UsbSerial Ver 2.4 to see if it is possible to connect to the printer.
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hey guys i need help . I have a citaq H10-1 and i need to make app for this device . the problem is I can't print because there is a problem about read/write permission
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