iOS Question Problem adding barbuttons (spacing)


Licensed User

I'm trying to add barbuttons to the topright, but I'm having a problem with the spacing between the buttons, it's huge.
I've tried also using the designer, but i get the same spacing.
I would prefer doing it in code as it needs to be dynamic.
This is the code I'm using.

Dim bb As BarButton
bb.InitializeBitmap(GeneralRoutines.KeepOriginalColors(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "calendar_warning_icon.png", 64dip, 64dip, True)), "open_tasks")
Dim bb2 As BarButton
bb2.InitializeBitmap(GeneralRoutines.KeepOriginalColors(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "calendar_check_icon.png", 64dip, 64dip, True)), "closed_tasks")
B4XPages.GetNativeParent(Me).TopRightButtons = Array(bb2, bb)



Licensed User
Hi Erel,

In the example there are no custom images, am i right?
Attached is a screenshot of the Android version.
So it's not possible to do this in IOS?

I do get one icon correctly when using the code for the badge, but in this case i need 2 buttons and no badge.


  • Screenshot buttons.jpg
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