Android Question problem after update the sdk

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

Well-Known Member
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after i updated the sdk igot this error in my all old appcompat projects
my b4a is 9.80
d:\okk\android deveploment\android-sdk\tools\..\extras\b4a_remote\androidx\appcompat\appcompat\1.1.0\unpacked-appcompat-1.1.0\res\values\values.xml:1929: error: Attribute "fontVariationSettings" has already been defined
i searched a lot ,all solution said you have to jetify
and screen of jetfier attached
it says no thing to jetify
any solutions???


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Solved it using B4XDrawer - sliding drawer

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Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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thank you for your response
i add it to the additional libraries , and it appears in the jetifier and i jetify it
another error happened
note :
i have in my project the following to lines
#AdditionalRes: ..\resource

i removed them and run error still the same
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Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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when i delete the folder( b4a_remote) from the sdk
it gives this error
but when both folders ( b4a_remote) and (b4a_local) are exist it gives this
d:\okk\android deveploment\android-sdk\tools\..\extras\b4a_remote\androidx\appcompat\appcompat\1.1.0\unpacked-appcompat-1.1.0\res\values\values.xml:1929: error: Attribute "fontVariationSettings" has already been defined
and after updating the sdk when i deleted the ( b4a_remote)
updating creates it again and downloads appcompat in it ,
after updated finished it shows error in the attached image
and after many times of cleaning the project and reloading the appcompat lib. and reupdating
it gives the following error


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