I have got a little problem concerning the conversion of a variable. I get different results if I run the following code on my pc and on my mobile phone:
I get the following messages on my pc:
On my phone on the other hand twice I get the message:
Is there any way that I also can get the result "633979008000000000"? Or is it just a problem with my mobile phone. I need this information ("01.01." & DateY) for a sql statemtent. I would like to avoid converting "6.33979008E+17" to "633979008000000000".
I have already searched through the forum but I could not find anything. Sorry if this question has been asked and answered in the past.
Thanks in advance for any help.
One line missing in the code at the top --> DateFormat("dd.mm.yyyy")
I have got a little problem concerning the conversion of a variable. I get different results if I run the following code on my pc and on my mobile phone:
Dim test As String
Dim test2 As Number
test = DateParse("01.01." & DateY)
test2 = DateParse("01.01." & DateY)
I get the following messages on my pc:
On my phone on the other hand twice I get the message:
Is there any way that I also can get the result "633979008000000000"? Or is it just a problem with my mobile phone. I need this information ("01.01." & DateY) for a sql statemtent. I would like to avoid converting "6.33979008E+17" to "633979008000000000".
I have already searched through the forum but I could not find anything. Sorry if this question has been asked and answered in the past.
Thanks in advance for any help.
One line missing in the code at the top --> DateFormat("dd.mm.yyyy")
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