I'm having a problem that is baffling me. I had created an imageview on a panel with a bitmap of a pushbutton using the Designer in the IDE. I created a click event subroutine for the object and assigned some code to be executed in response to the click event. I ran the app and the code ran when I pressed on the imageview pushbutton graphic but I did not hear any "click sound on my Samsung Galaxy S phone running Gingerbread 2.3. Clicks always happen for my dialog boxes and text pushbuttons, etc. but not in this case.
With this in mind, I assumed that this was a normal thing and added a button view to the same panel without a graphic or text. I pressed on this test button and heard a "click" sound each and every time I pressed this new test button. OK I thought- only real buttons make a click sound so I assigned my button graphic to the button just added to the panel and tried pushing the button with the new graphic - NO SOUND!! what's going on? I had assigned the same bitmap to both pressed and unpressed and did no other configuration for this graphical button. Why did the "click" sound go away when a button is converted from text to graphical? Is there something I am missing? Need help