iOS Question Problem in Ctrl+Click in IDE


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey everyone,

I have built a project in B4J and created a jar

When I try to execute it in B4A & B4J everything works fine and it is executed clicking on this link:

'Ctrl+click - ide://run?file=C:\B4X\Tools\Common\B4XProgTechs.jar

When though I click on this link in B4i I get the following error:

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Completed. Exit code: 1

In my system both 1.8.2 java and open jdk 11 exist. All three javac.exe paths in all IDEs are set to
java 11 but this has only to do with compiling.

Any suggestions anyone?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes I did, but I also thought that if this was indeed the problem then the same should happen in B4A and B4J. With this in mind I ended up asking the question. I cannot think of any logical reason for which the same jar is able to run correctly when clicked in B4A and B4J and fail in B4i.
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