Bug? Problem in MediaPlayer?


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I am trying to get the mediaplayer object to cooperate but I am not having much luck. When a user plays an audio file I need to close my little media panel when it finishes. The problem is it doesn't seem to ever trigger the PlaybackComplete event.

Sub aud_PlaybackComplete
   isplaying = False
End Sub

aud is dimmed as the mediaplayer object. The audpan is not closed (sent to back, removed, made invisible, etc) after the audio is played. Is this a bug or is there something I need to do?

I am using b4a 3.20.

--- Jem


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Longtime User
Thanks klaus,, I must have left that event from the previous player. The idea is to use the mediplayer since it is built in. I have changed the event name and all is well. I hate getting old LOL...

--- Jem
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