Hello I posede a label and a panel, the label is child of panel. I would like the length of the label to be equal to the length of the panel! the length of the panel must vary according to the length of the label that is seen in the panel! how to do
Being the Label the Child (which is logical as a Panel cannot be a child of a label), it should be more logical to resize the label on the Panel_Resize event...
How are you determining if the label needs resizing?
i could be wrong but couldn't you just set the length in Designer script?
For instance if panel.settopandbottom = (0%y, 59%y)
then set Label.settopandbottom = (0%y, 59%y)
again im new so this may be way wrong in which case i am sorry
I wouldnt know how to code it but could you maybe find out how many characters are in the label.text and then set up and if then?
If NumberofCharacters = SetAmount Then
Label.length = Yoursetting?