My apps have all been active for a long time but now, unexpectedly, they have all been removed. I received an email about one of them, "Many Banjo Licks", with directions to reinstate it which cannot be followed because the " Primarily Child-directed" options "Yes" or "No" are grayed out so are not selectable.
NONE of my apps are primarily child-directed and none of my apps are in any way objectionable to any audience. Please let me know how to reinstate all my previously published, downloadable apps to make them again available to the public.
you may have missed your chance. google sent an email informing developers of its new
requirements regarding their apps' targeted audience. at that time developers were to go to their
app console ---> store presence ---> app content and select the appropriate "yes/no" option.
my understanding is that if you checked "no" or checked nothing because you never took any action,
a google associate would review the app to see if children might be attracted to it... it wouldn't
surprise me to learn that the google associate assigned to your app did not know what a banjo
is, what a banjo lick meant or - worse - whether licking a banjo would be attractive to children.
actually, they seemed to have determined that it would be.
the "ways to resolve the problem" link is frightening and somewhat misleading. my understanding is
that it was meant to be reviewed first, not afterwards. in other words, if google says your app is
attractive to children, it's too late for you to go back and simply check the "no" box. you'll
have to contact them to appeal your case.