HI Jota,
Looking at your example 2, it seems that you are setting a timer, and them trying to fill the time until the timer kicks in, which is unnecessary. Once your subroutine has finished, the program will happily wait until the timer tick arrives.
Unless I misunderstood your code, I think that this is what you are after.
Sub Globals
Dim timer1 As Timer
Dim ctr As Boolean : ctr = True
Dim lbl As Label
Dim ctr As Boolean
Dim a As Animation
Dim tiempo As Int
Dim bucle As Long
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
tiempo = 1000
activity.Color = Colors.ARGB(158,125,168,154)
lbl.Text = "TEXTO DE PRUEBA"
lbl.TextSize = 30dip
' I know there are other ways to do this, but this would be an example of the usefulness
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Se que hay otras formas de hacerlo, pero esto seria un ejemplo de la utilidad
a.Duration = tiempo
a.RepeatCount = 0
'Timer should get it's 1st tick as the animation is finishing
'The optimum would be that the animation library given the option not to restart the position of the object.
' Lo optimo seria que la libreria animatión diera la posibilidad de no reiniciar la posicion del objeto.
End Sub
Sub timer1_tick
LBL.Top = LBL.Top + 25%Y
End Sub