Android Question Problem using Admob library and Google Game Services


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I'm currently working on a game using the libgdx library, recently i tried using the google game services library created by Informatix, found here starting on post #20.
I also want to implement the admob ads on the same game, the problem is that since both libraries require the same Google-Game-Servicess dk the application throws an error when trying to compile. I can only use either admob library or googlegameservices library at any time but i can not use both libraries at the same time. My question is is there a way to fix this issue?
I read a post where Erel adviced to change the name of the DependsOn attribute on the xml file of the library, I've tried doing that but it still won't work. Any advice or suggestion on this would be greatly appreciated.



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Which libraries add a reference to GooglePlayServices? AdMob library is based on the previous SDK which doesn't add a reference.
The library which ads a reference to GooglePlayServices is the Googe Play Services library written by informatix, i know that admob depends on the old GoogleAdmobAdsSdk.jar file, the problem is that google has changed the way the ads are supposed to be implemented, the google-play-services.jar file implements both ads and google play services classes within the same jar file, so i think that since the same classes are found in both GoogleAdmobAdsSdk.jar file and Google-Play-Serivces.jar that's why that error shows up, so far i can only either use the admob library or the googleplayservices library but not both, i would like to use both libraries in my game, but i can't find a solution unless i re-write the admob library based on the new googleplayservices.jar file.

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