Since installing B4A-Bridge I get the following error, even though my code hasn't changed since using the emulator. Can anyone suggest a solution?
An error has occurred in sub:
main_activitycreate(B4A line:43)
Activity.LoadLayout("bMain") 'Load the Layout file.
Don't call setOnClickListener for aan AdapterView.
You probably want setOnClickListener instead Continue?
Thanks in advance
Since installing B4A-Bridge I get the following error, even though my code hasn't changed since using the emulator. Can anyone suggest a solution?
An error has occurred in sub:
main_activitycreate(B4A line:43)
Activity.LoadLayout("bMain") 'Load the Layout file.
Don't call setOnClickListener for aan AdapterView.
You probably want setOnClickListener instead Continue?
Thanks in advance