I am working with a project that need control a microcontroller that based 51 kennel。
I use the BT-serial to transmit data between them,and now I can send data between them。
But the question is that the data receive in the microcontroller is not what I sent。What I wan to transmit is the hex byte like 0x1A,but no matter what I transmit,the microcontroller receive is 0x78,0x80 and 0Xf8,nothing else。
I had used output2 outputbyte and other way in serialEX lib 。but none of them work。
How can I transmit a hex data like 0x0c。???
I use the BT-serial to transmit data between them,and now I can send data between them。
But the question is that the data receive in the microcontroller is not what I sent。What I wan to transmit is the hex byte like 0x1A,but no matter what I transmit,the microcontroller receive is 0x78,0x80 and 0Xf8,nothing else。
I had used output2 outputbyte and other way in serialEX lib 。but none of them work。
How can I transmit a hex data like 0x0c。???