taximania ,thanks for your great work .
I am interesting in your PIC side,what do you receive at the serial interruption?
I didn't use the pic's 'rs232 built in features'.
I just used basic rs232 pic code. That way I can control the flow of data.
Timing is the problem.
The pic must know what is being sent to it, read it,
then act on it.
It's no good sending 4 bytes to a microcontroller if it hasn't got, or using a buffer. You will lose data.
I used a loop in my pic, to wait for a byte. Sent from my phone. Then react on it's content.
Ascii 'A' might mean read 3 more bytes etc
Again, all down to timing, in both the pic and the phone.
Give me a day or two. I've got more examples of transfer between my phone and graphic LCD modules. These never got posted on here or my website.