Here's a code snippet from my PPC to a Nokia LCD screen via serial.
The letter "P" is used to position the cursor, followed by 2 more bytes, the x and y position.
Sub pos(x,y)
End Sub
Your code:
Sub Button1_Click
If serial.PortOpen = True Then
Serial.OutputBytes(dj(),0,1) 'Send the single Byte Array
Will only send 1 byte, currently set to "0"
Quote: OUTPUTBYTES (Value As Byte[], start As Int32, count As Int32)
textbox3.Text =serial.OutBufferCount
End If
End Sub
Sub Button2_Click
If serial.PortOpen = True Then
Serial.Output2(dj()) 'Send the Byte Array
I don't think this will work.
Quote: OUTPUT2 (Value As Byte[])textbox3.Text =serial.OutBufferCount
End If
End Sub
You say it works phone to phone,
micro to micro,
Are you certain all the settings are the same between the phone and micro,
eg Baud, parity, bits etc.
I'm still thinking :sign0163: