I have an app that has a single activity and numerous different scrollview's that I show/hide depending on which list of menu items I want to show.
It works great on my Samsung Galaxy S5, but recently has started to just crash for no apparent reason "Unfortunatly HAPP has stopped working" which is an error that the debugger cannot catch??
Each Scrollview has alot of images (approx. 2 per row and 45+ rows per), could this be the reson for this crash?
Then I tried the same app on my older HTC OneS and I get a load of errors stating that the Imageview must be initialized first?
an anybody provide a hint as to what is causing this?
My best guess is that the phone can only handle so many view items (due to memory). Could this be the reason? SHoudl I switch to using multiple Activity's instead of multiple scrollviews?