I read values from a table, wich I need to display in a inputmultilist.
I always get the [Java.lang.String;@xxxx displayed in the list and not the value. I do understand this is the pointer, but how do I get the value ?
I've read lots of posts around the forum, but somehow I'm missing something
The code at the moment is like this :
Thanks in advance.
I always get the [Java.lang.String;@xxxx displayed in the list and not the value. I do understand this is the pointer, but how do I get the value ?
I've read lots of posts around the forum, but somehow I'm missing something
The code at the moment is like this :
Dim query As String
query="SELECT materia FROM materias"
materias=DButils.ExecuteMemoryTable (Main.SQL,query,Null,0)
For f=0 To materias.Size-1
Dim UnidadesTematicas() As String
UnidadesTematicas=materias.Get (f)
InputMultiList (ListaDeMaterias, "Unidades temáticas a Leccionar ?")
Thanks in advance.