Android Question Problem with new version 11.5


Licensed User
I am totally newbe (in B4A) and started a development 2 weeks ago. Everything was working fine. I discovered there's a new version and skipped from version 11 to 11.5.
Now I am unabled to compile my application I have a message (sorry in french...) about a forbiden access (on a directory that's not existing) :

"Resources de compilation (0.21s)
Resources de chaînage (0.37s)
Compilation du code Java. (0.03s)
Finding libraries that need to be dexed. (0.01s)
Dex: B4AShared Error
L'accès au chemin d'accès 'C:\program files\Android\tools\..\extras\b4a_local\unpacked-b4ashared-63783454550000\dex_v1' est refusé."

I installed the jdk 14 instead of jdk 11 but nothing changed.
The directory 'C:\program files\Android\tools" doesn't exist
What can I do ?
Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
The directory 'C:\program files\Android\tools" doesn't exist
What can I do ?
delete the SDK and install it new. This time not in program files.
Also make sure to use 7zip to unzip the downloaded archives. Follow the installationinstructions carefully.
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Licensed User
Thank you for your help.
My mistake is to have installed Andoid Sution in the folder c:\program files as I don't like seeing too many root folders
I found then solution : I gave all rights for everybody on directory C:\program files\Android and that's working fine (with jDK 11 ou JDK 14, no matter...)
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