Hi, I'm trying to make a wrapper for Aviary. The Aviary SDK is an Android Library, which has a /res folder.
A while ago I managed to do a wrapper by manipulating the R.java file (very bad and tedious practice) for the version 2 of the SDK.
Now that B4A v3.20 offers the possibility to wrap this kind of libraries, I want to make a new wrapper, for the Aviary-SDK version 3.
So, I follow the steps by this guide, but when compiling, I get this error:
As you can see, there are two types of errors:
- One related to a 9-patch image (which I guess I can correct by correcting the image, which is kind of strange, because in Eclipse, the examples compiles fines).
- And one related to resource not found:
The second kind of error is repeated like 100 times (with differents xml files and images).
How can I correct this?
A while ago I managed to do a wrapper by manipulating the R.java file (very bad and tedious practice) for the version 2 of the SDK.
Now that B4A v3.20 offers the possibility to wrap this kind of libraries, I want to make a new wrapper, for the Aviary-SDK version 3.
So, I follow the steps by this guide, but when compiling, I get this error:
Parsing code. 0.11
Compiling code. 0.32
Compiling layouts code. 0.01
Generating R file. 4.89
Compiling generated Java code. 0.93
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.92
Packaging files. Error
ERROR: 9-patch image C:\Users\Franco\Documents\B4A\AviaryTest\res\drawable-mdpi\aviary_tool_button_normal.9.png malformed.
Frame pixels must be either solid or transparent (not intermediate alphas).
Found at pixel #1 along top edge.
ERROR: Failure processing PNG image C:\Users\Franco\Documents\B4A\AviaryTest\res\drawable-mdpi\aviary_tool_button_normal.9.png
C:\Users\Franco\Documents\B4A\AviaryTest\res\layout\aviary_effect_item_more.xml:11: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/aviary_effect_item_getmore').
C:\Users\Franco\Documents\B4A\AviaryTest\res\layout\aviary_feedback_dialog_view.xml:13: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/aviary_logo_big').
As you can see, there are two types of errors:
- One related to a 9-patch image (which I guess I can correct by correcting the image, which is kind of strange, because in Eclipse, the examples compiles fines).
- And one related to resource not found:
If I open the file aviary_feedback_dialog_view.xml and read the line 13, I see this:C:\Users\Franco\Documents\B4A\AviaryTest\res\layout\aviary_feedback_dialog_view.xml:13: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/aviary_logo_big')
However, it exists a file called "aviary_logo_big" under the folder /res/drawable-mdpiandroid:src="@drawable/aviary_logo_big"
The second kind of error is repeated like 100 times (with differents xml files and images).
How can I correct this?