B4A + B4i example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-texteditor-save-and-load-external-files.132731/#post-838166 List of classes or libraries that can be used to access secondary storages: ContentChooser (Phone libray) - allows the user to select a resource or file using external...
If you overwrite a bigger file by clicking its filename before clicking SAVE, the new data is written but the file is still the same size and old contents remain.
B4A + B4i example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-texteditor-save-and-load-external-files.132731/#post-838166 List of classes or libraries that can be used to access secondary storages: ContentChooser (Phone libray) - allows the user to select a resource or file using external...