Problem with sending Chr(128) - Chr(255) to a serial port device


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Longtime User
Hello all

I am writing a software to communicate with a device via a serial port. I could send a single character of chr(0) - chr(127) and get the response from my device. But when sending chr(128), I got a communication error. It is the same for any character with the ascii code ranging from 128 to 255.

I use the following command:
serial.Output (Chr(Yag))
where Yag is a constant

I also checked the output string from my PPC using a RS232 terminal program. For chr(128) - chr(255), the string "?" was sent out from my PPC. This is not right.

How does Basic4PPC deal with chr(128) - chr(255) sent via a serial port? What is the workaround to send the string with the ascii code from 128 to 255?

Best regards,
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you very much. I replaced the original Serial2.dll by SerialEx.dll, but I still have the same problem with chr(128) - chr(255) when using the "output" method. What is the appropriate method that I should use?

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Licensed User
Longtime User
The standard encoding of SerialEx is ASCII so that it defaults to the same as Serial2. To send strings with characters > 127 you need to set the Encoding property to suit the expectation of whatever you are talking to. There is a list in the Encodings topic of the help.

If if is binary data you are sending then the encoding is irrelevant and you should use Output2 or OutputBytes.