Problem with starting emulator


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Hi, everybody!

I have problems with starting the virtual device (Android virtual device manager). I create the device, but when I want to start it, I get following error:
PANIC: Could not open AVD config file: C:\Users\Gregor MAÄŚEK\.android\avd\testna_naprava.avd/config.ini

I assume, there's a problem in the path (my surname contains letter "Č", which is here interpeted as "ÄŚ".

At the top, there's written the path to the existing Android Virtual Devices, which is correct (with "Č"). Is there any way, that I change this location to some other folder (and how)?



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Problem fixed.
As suspected, there was a problem in interpreting the non-unicode character, which was in my (Windows) username.
I created another account and AVD manager works fine there ...
Going to do "Hello world!" now ...

Gregor MACEK
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