I have an HTC HD2 Snapdragon 1GHZ and i test many basic4ppc sources ( and private sources ) but i have a probleme with bitmap display because unfortunely htc hd2 can display only 65536 colors soit 2^16 colors. Impossible to save in 16 BPP on paint, photofiltre, xnview... Bitmaps bmp and jpg are hideous, illegible on device but display fine on desktop. I have problem in form for imagebutton too.
Excuse for my bad english
Thanks for your answers
I have an HTC HD2 Snapdragon 1GHZ and i test many basic4ppc sources ( and private sources ) but i have a probleme with bitmap display because unfortunely htc hd2 can display only 65536 colors soit 2^16 colors. Impossible to save in 16 BPP on paint, photofiltre, xnview... Bitmaps bmp and jpg are hideous, illegible on device but display fine on desktop. I have problem in form for imagebutton too.
Excuse for my bad english
Thanks for your answers