Problems with HTC HD2 and Bitmaps


New Member

I have an HTC HD2 Snapdragon 1GHZ and i test many basic4ppc sources ( and private sources ) but i have a probleme with bitmap display because unfortunely htc hd2 can display only 65536 colors soit 2^16 colors. Impossible to save in 16 BPP on paint, photofiltre, xnview... Bitmaps bmp and jpg are hideous, illegible on device but display fine on desktop. I have problem in form for imagebutton too.

Excuse for my bad english
Thanks for your answers



New Member
yes but

yes most of all have 65k like htc hero, omnia II etc..
without payer jet 15mions et toshiba tg01 262144c

but why pictures display bad on my device and work fine in desktop ?
most of pictures save in 24 bit and not 16 bit per point


Active Member
Licensed User
The transparence mode may be in bad quality on ImageButton on device but not on Desktop... If you had not activated the Transparence I don't know why it's in bad quality on your device...
I noticed that when I activate the transparence, images JPEG, BMP or PNG are holes where there was white colors...
On Desktop there're more functionality but on device it's not the same thing...


New Member

Nevertheless when i excecute the exemples ( website of basic4ppc) wich display rose without changing the source code i have the same issue. I don't use the transparence.


Active Member
Licensed User
What do you mean by "Hideous"? Can you take a screenshot? But maybe we ll can't see if it's your screen... Cause I've no really problem personaly, just few transparence problems... Did you try to test on an other device?
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