Problems with naked pictures in my apps

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello community,

last week i start a open alpha test of my app, 4 days later was this app banned from google play and removed. Google says to me "the reasens was to much naked pictures", a few users had the fun and uploaded a few inappropriate pictures. I dont have a algorithm to filter this pictures and manually google was too slow.

How handle you this in your apps?

And why can tumblr keep this content, for example?

An Schi

Well-Known Member
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Not sure if this helps or if it even counts for alpha tests. But your google play console has a part in which you can set "adult settings" (can't remember the correct name), in which you can set that your app contains violence, hard words, possible offensive user created content etc. Google can then turn your app into adults only or 16+ and so on....


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Can u explain what kind of app it is and what does the app with the uploaded pictures of the users?

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
You can Create Rooms, in this rooms you can to discuss over some topics, one message or picture had a life time from 24 hours, after this, they will be deleted forever.


Well-Known Member
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OpenCV and a neural net is how you would handle it. Basically you score images on the amount of skin tone pixels. Over a certain score then you reject the image. Yahoo have a server based open source solution. There are also commercial solutions available


Licensed User
Longtime User
Its not clear to me. If you ask everytime if the user age is 18+ and the app from your side is build ONLY for 18+ then obviously you allow to upload content for adults only so what exactly are u trying to filter?

It seems like the whole purpose of the app is to upload such pictures and i guess google dont want such apps. Even if there are warnings for 18+ like they dont allow nazi apps even with any kind of warnings.
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