Hello Big Group,
I've been using the rHttpUtils2 module for days and I've managed to get it working in a sample program (with great help from Erel).
Now it's time to integrate it into the real project and I find that it doesn't work.
The first problem is that the "JobDone" module has to be in the main module. If I put it in the code module where everything related to the network is, I get an error.
Even so, I put all the code, the same as in the example, in the main module and make the same call that I have in the test module, the result is always "Failed to Connect",
I think the problem is that I have a code module with the WIFI and it is not in the "MAIN" module
My project is very large and I have it divided into several code modules since I reuse these modules in different projects, so I understand that it will be possible to solve the problem.
Has anyone used this module in a code module other than MAIN?
As always, any suggestion or comment will be very well received
Thank you very much