B4A Library ProBundle


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My English is not very good, previously have donated users can get updated.

your second post is less clear for me then your first.
if your question is:

Do i get free Updates for all libs in the Probundle? then the answer is yes.


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A ProBundle user is worried by the fact that a hacker could know that his code is protected by two of the ProBundle libraries (F5Steg and ArchiverPlusZip) and that this knowledge could lower the level of protection of his app. Here's my answer:
- ArchiverPlusZip uses encryption algorithms that are well-known, and their code is freely available. Knowing their source code is absolutely of no interest for the hacker. Only the password matters. Without the password, he cannot decrypt anything. Changing the code does not help.
- F5Steg, as explained in the first page of this thread, encrypts the data by default with the application signature, BUT I don't use the signature as is or the protection would be equal to none. The signature is modified by the C code in a complex way before being used as a password to encrypt the data hidden in the image. To add another obstacle, the original data are not provided as is to the encryption algorithm. If a hacker decompiles the C code of the .so library, he will see hundreds of interconnected functions and I doubt that he will understand easily what the code does just by looking at it. Myself, I'm unable to identifiy clearly the flow of my own code by looking at a decompiled version of the .so library.
In brief, knowing what library is used to protect your data and where it is called in your app does not lower dramatically the level of protection if you followed the advices in my guide and used my libraries. Decompiling the F5Steg library is also not a major issue because it's a nightmare to understand. Some of you will probably try and see by themselves.
That being said, it's better to hide explicit library references or function names. Suggestions are given in the final pages of the guide.


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I bought ProBundle a couple of weeks ago in an attempt to better understand app hacking issues and possible protection measures.

The Protect My App guide is excellent - heavy going at first but a bit of persistence is very rewarding.

I am exceeding pleased with the package and support.


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Important note about OverlayWindow:
If your app using OverlayWindow does not last long when you access another app, it's just because the memory is not sufficient on the device to run the current app and the service using OverlayWindow at the same time. That's the case on my current phone. All demo projects of OverlayWindow stop either immediately or after a few seconds when I switch to another app. It's not specific to my lib; I encounter the same problem with any app from the PlayStore that displays an overlay (aka floating or sticky) window.
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Try to create a foreground service. The OS will treat it as a foreground app.
Excellent idea. It's not perfect as the service is still killed with big apps but it lasts with the other apps as it has a higher priority than the other services.

What I tried:
Sub Process_Globals
  Dim Notif As Notification
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
   Notif.Icon = "icon"
   Notif.SetInfo("Info", "", Main)
   Notif.Sound = False
   Notif.Vibrate = False
   Service.StartForeground(1, Notif)
End Sub


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New version !!!

After a long and tedious work, I finally managed to interface the P7Zip utility with Java and turned this command line utility into a library (UltimateArchiver) for B4A. The library, written almost entirely in C++, supports most archive formats (7z, rar, zip, iso, tar, gz, cab, etc.), with encryption/decryption and volumes.

I added also UnArchiver7z to ProBundle. It's a small library to uncompress 7z archives (it is a lot smaller than UltimateArchiver, slightly faster and can work directly with the files in the assets folder; you can use it to uncompress the assets of your application after installation).

I renamed ArchiverPlusUnRar to UnArchiverRar and updated the code with the latest changes of WinRar.

I removed Coverflow, that I will release soon for free on this forum, and ErrorDetection, which is now deprecated.

I fixed many bugs affecting the progression returned by ArchiverPlusZip, and added a GetBitmapFromDrawable function to PackageUtils to convert properly the AdaptiveIconDrawable introduced in Android 8.


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Longtime User
I see that I have messages waiting in my mailbox for ProBundle but I'm unable to deal with them as I am currently at the hospital. So please wait for a few days before expecting an answer.

I hope everything is ok
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