Program home key


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I wish to either the home key - once you click on it or better double click on it, instead of bringing the voice command app, it will run my app
how do I do it / and how to I catch the home key event
I tried If Keycode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_HOME Then but it is going out from my app to the home screen



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The HOME button cannot be trapped.

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and can I change it's default app that attached to it?
The user can choose a different home screen application. You cannot do it programmatically.

also what about long back click?
You will need to use Activity_KeyPress and Activity_KeyUp with a timer to implement a long back click.
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how can I trap the back key if my app is running in background, without doing additional timer that will run every 100ms +-

also can I "program" 3 presses on home button?

b.t.w I did not manage to find a way to replace my home app - Galaxy S2
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