Hi, ost aus Soest,
Your point regarding the use of type is very interesting, i wanted to use a Type in my current app -
i wanted to create a[n]y number of my custom type, dynamically at runtime the structure of the type comprised:
a panel with 4 child views i.e:
spinner1, spinner2, textinput, spinner3
I thought it would be possible to treat the type like an object where the child views inherit from the parent so when i initialize
the parent panel all child views are initialized - but alas not possible. so in my case, there was little benefit in using a type over
creating 5 seperate views/variables.
I think b4a encourages experiment and finding ways of making things work - im sure many good b4A public modules and libraries are
born from this attitude
hi Erel,
In your example which creates 1001 buttons, each button is referenced as 'b' what if i wanted to give each a unique identifier
such as: b & "_" & i - producing, b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4 etc...
Without putting each button into a structure such as a list or an array referencing a button is difficult -
is it right that lists dont necessarily store values in the same order added with Add()??